Saturday, July 24, 2010

BBQ Country Ribs

This recipe is a contribution from my son-in-law, Matt, who shows that cooking in a beanpot is so easy - even a guy can do it! (Sorry Matt, I had to do that!) However, with that said, this recipe comes with absolutely no measurements. That's ok, be brave. You add all the ingredients according to your taste and trust me, you won't mess it up!

6 meaty country pork ribs
1 can Dr. Pepper
BBQ sauce
Brown sugar
garlic, fresh diced or from the jar
onion, diced

Place ribs in the beanpot and add the rest of the ingredients. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.
**As with any meat dish in the beanpot, you can cook it longer at a lower temperature if you prefer slow cooking. For every hour that you want to add to the cooking time, reduce your temperature 25 degrees.

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